Green Pro-P Championship

This year Sustainability Unit has taken another approach in the outreaching campaigns. Have you noticed something different in this year’s student societies’ promotion booths (Pro-P booths)?

These are some of the creative moves our fellow cabinets have made to support Green Promotion. While tackling some general behavior of students to reduce waste and energy on campus, big events like Promotion period and graduation ceremony are also some peaks that create huge amount of waste like leaflets that are merely read through, decoration materials. This year, a number of pioneering societies committed to designing reusable posters as opposed to year/event specific posters, using second-hand materials for games and decorations and reducing printing. Our fellow students have demonstrated how creativity could make our world, or in this case, HKUST a better, greener place!

Mathematics Society used e-leaflet instead of giving out tangible ones. Big applause to them!

Yohoo levelled up the game by giving out reusable cutlery to their members and they led a great example by bringing their own water bottles! Good one, Yohoo!

Art Club designed beautiful graphics at the counter to promote green message of refusing bottled water. 

CFAS, YMCA, EVSS and Civil Engineering Society upcycled aluminum cans and plastic bottles for their gaming booths. Bowling pins, fishing origami boats, even a paper-made gun! (Their engineering skills did not let their professors down!)

The school sincerely appreciated all the efforts made and we need more students like these pioneers! 

The following are the societies who showed great leadership in Green Pro-P Championship. We have showcased their effort by putting up paper banners with their cabinet photos in the academic concourse during Pro-P. Check out their facebook pages and show them support!  

Art Club

Chinese Folk Art Society


Comics and Animation Society

Computer Sci Engineering Students' Society (CSE)


Film Society

Finance Students' Society


Mathematics Students' Society

Model United Nations Club

U Choir



Yohoo Club


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