Landscape and Biodiversity

As part of the University 2028 Sustainability’s challenges, HKUST aims to utilize the campus landscape as an active resource for research, sustainability experimentation, and community engagement.  

Overall Progress


2022-23 Tactic 

2022-23 Progress & Key Activities 

Healthy Soil 

Allocate spaces on campus for utilizing “green” landscape 

wastes and storage of site-developed compost. 

New space allocation of shredded leaves storage in LG7 Nursery in addition 

to the recycling skip in One University Road Nursery for landscape wastes. 

Prioritize the use of compost in flower beds as a way to 

provide natural nutrients to a groundcover that can 

retain moisture. 

Use of wood chips and on-campus mulched leaves on exposed soil to retain 

moisture and natural nutrients. 

Experiment with “compost tea” as a way to add natural 

nutrients to the turf and grassy areas. 

Testing and discussions underway 

Engagement and 


Collect flora and fauna information from SSC projects to 

build a public and visible inventory of the natural capital of 

the campus. 

Developed the HKUST Biodiversity Map showcasing the biodiversity of 

the campus. 

Add specific landscape areas and features in the campus 

tours for incoming students and visitors. 

Planting of orchids in North Entrance and SSQ BBQ site to enrich 

landscape features. 

Engagement with contractor to ensure meeting all 

performance goals to reach incentive benchmark. 

Regular and active engagement of contractor through bi-monthly 

Biodiversity Steering Committee Meeting. 




Biodiversity Steering Committee
  • Governing Biodiversity: The Biodiversity Steering Committee meets bi-monthly to review landscaping operations and discuss sustainable landscaping practices. Their main objective is to enhance biodiversity within the campus environment at HKUST. 
Policy on Using, Conserving, and Restoring the Land Sustainably
  • Conserving the Ecosystems: In the Net-Zero Building Standards (refer to section 4.6.8), design team is responsible for demonstrating methods on enhancing the ecological value of the site, while identifying ways to conserve the existing land ecosystems sustainably, especially the trees on the existing site which can be a forest in the context of HKUST.  
  • Conserving Timber Resources: In the Tree Planting & Felling Policy (refer to section Tree Felling Guidelines), design team is also required to fell the trees in a manner that the timber resources in the ecosystem can be utilized sustainably.