Sustainability Education for Students
HKUST is committed to fostering sustainability education and equipping our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address global challenges. Through our Common Core Program and various initiatives, we strive to create a sustainable campus and promote responsible consumption.
Common Core Program
As part of our commitment to sustainability education, all students at HKUST are required to complete a Common Core Program that includes Sustainability Fundamentals. This program exposes students to the principles and concepts of sustainability, enabling them to develop a solid understanding of sustainable practices and problem-solving.
Code | Title | Category |
ENVR 1030 | Environment and Health | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
ENVR 1040 | The Environment and Society - A Comprehensive Perspective | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
ENVR 1070 | Thinking Big: Systems Thinking for Environmental Problems | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
ENVR 1080 | The Smart Consumer - Uncovering the Hidden Story behind the Product Label | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
CIVL 1150 / ENVR 1150 | Climate Change Impacts and Extreme Weather Events | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
CIVL 1170 / ENVR1170 | Science, Environment and Society - From Big Bang to Big Data | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
ENVR 2020 | Urban Air Pollution | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
ENVR 2060 | From Trash to Treasure: Managing Waste to Resources | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
ENVR 2070 | Smart Buildings for a Warming Planet | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
MECH 1902 | Energy Systems in a Sustainable World | Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development |
PHYS 1003 | Energy and Related Environmental Issues | School-sponsored Course |
SOSC 3260 | Sustainability Science: Policy Problems and Perspectives | Science & Society |
SUST 1000 | Sustainability Fundamentals | School-sponsored Course |
Sustainability Education Advisory Group (SEAG)
The SEAG is a dedicated group at HKUST that works towards the university's strategic vision of becoming a regional leader in sustainability education. SEAG conducts regular analysis to identify opportunities and gaps in sustainability education, ensuring that our students graduate with the capacity and commitment to solve problems locally and globally.
We offer a wide range of sustainability-focused and sustainability-related courses to provide comprehensive education in sustainability. These courses are designed to cover sustainability concepts, issues, and contemporary thinking. Currently, we offer 61 sustainability-focused courses and 36 sustainability-related courses.
The annual Sustainability Course Evaluation Report assesses the exposure of our graduates to sustainability concepts. Recent data shows that 66% of graduates leave with "strong" exposure to sustainability concepts, having completed two or more sustainability-focused courses. Only 5% of students graduate with no course exposure to sustainability.
Sustainable Education Advisory Group
Design Thinking Workshop
The Certificate in Sustainable Design Thinking program is a collaborative initiative between HKUST's Clear Water Bay and Guangzhou campuses. This workshop focuses on sustainably solving problems using design thinking methodologies. It provides students with the opportunity to work together, visit sustainable projects, and learn from practitioners and researchers.
June 2023: Design Thinking Workshop
Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme
The Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme aims to promote responsible choices, consumption, and consumer activism among students.
The programme also implements a range of campus improvement and education initiatives to achieve its goals, including #EatForThePlanet programme which collaborates with on-campus catering outlets to implement carbon-labeled menus, raising awareness about the carbon footprint of food choices and promoting sustainable eating habits.
The JCSCCP Sustainability Leadership Programme provides leadership training to a select group of students from each university campus. These students develop and execute student-led projects dedicated to fostering sustainability and responsible consumption within their own campus communities. The programme offers guidance and support, connecting students with like-minded individuals from other universities and professionals working in the field of sustainability.
JCSCCP Sustainability Leadership Programme
Green Team
The Green Team has the power to drive sustainable change on campus by actively contribute to creating a more sustainable campus environment and making a positive impact. Members can work on hands-on projects that improve our campus and community and initiate sustainability projects, such as vegan tasting, meal boxes go green, and food sharing. By joining the Green Team, students can actively contribute to sustainability, gain valuable skills in project management and leadership, and become part of a collaborative community with like-minded peers.
Green Team Kombucha Workshop
Green Team Vermicomposting Workshop