Sustainability Network
What is HKUST Sustainability Network?
The 2028 Sustainability Challenge identified the creation of a “Network” as one of the four key pillars of the action plan. The Sustainability Network, initially comprising 30 staff from representing different offices, departments and schools across the university, formed the social backbone to support and advance sustainability actions and policies.

Objectives of the Network?
Targeting the largest/most active and administrative offices and departments on campus, the goal is to have representation from a cross section of the university in order to share ideas, provide updates and new information, celebrate successes, and provide feedback on new initiatives. Members of the Network will also be an avenue for bringing this news and information back into the offices and departments, sharing best practices, and helping to engage their colleagues in sustainable office practices.
Roles of the Sustainability Network Representatives?
Each office selected one staff member to be their representative in the Network. This Sustainability Network Representative (SNR) attends quarterly meetings and contributes advice and feedback to other members during the meetings. They may be asked to prepare in advance for meetings by reviewing notes or other briefing materials. Outside of the meetings, SNRs may advance any interesting or relevant information to their colleagues and office-mates, and can serve as a resource to their colleagues if there are questions about HKUST sustainability goals, objectives, or actions. In addition, SNRs may bring concerns from their colleague back to the Network for discussion and further action. Members can now download the Sustainability Guidelines about the practices to contribute to a more sustainable campus.
Training for Network Representatives
Through regular meetings and trainings, the Sustainability Network Representatives are equipped with knowledge about incorporating sustainability into office operations. Trainings were provided about biodiversity impact and waste charging scheme in 2023, and Sustainable Smart Campus initiative in 2022.
Which offices are part of the network now?
Academic Registry, Campus Services Office, Center for Education Innovation, Center for Language Education, Department of Chemistry, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Development & Alumni Office, Division of Environment & Sustainability, Division of Life Science, Office of Postgraduate Studies, Office of the Dean of Business and Management, Office of the Dean of Engineering, Office of the Dean of Humanities & Social Science, Office of the Dean of Science, Office of the Dean of Students, Office of the Provost, Office of the Vice-President for Research & Graduate Studies, Campus Management Office, Finance Office, Human Resources Office, Health, Safety & Environment Office, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study, Interdisciplinary Programs Office, Information Systems Office, Information Technology Services Center, Library, Public Affairs Office, Media Technology and Publishing Center, Purchasing Office, Student Housing & Residential Life Office.
For staff who would like to join the network, please send us an email to
What have been achieved by the Network members?
Sustainability Network representatives continued to encourage their respective departments and offices to support different sustainability initiatives and programs including food recycling program, plastic bottled water free initiative, green procurement, sustainable large events, pilot Green Office Audit program, lights off before long holiday, paperless initiative, as well as supporting the on-going recycling efforts in respond to waste charging scheme.