Campus as Learning Lab

Our university setting provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate real-world lessons in real world conditions by opening the Campus as a “living laboratory.” With staff and student housing, transportation networks, offices, canteens and private enterprise, our campus mirrors the outside community in miniature which is an excellent location for testing new ideas, investigating social responses, and piloting novel technologies. Here are some of our researches and student projects that took outside the lab and classroom which demonstrates smart and sustainable solutions.


- Finding Green at your Fingertips

- Can Psychology promote Pro-Environmental Behavior?

- Did You Fall For The Cute Animals On the New Recycling Bins?

- Sharing is Caring

- Learning by Creating: New HKUST Sustainability App

- Social Psychology x Food Waste Reduction

- HKUST Secret Garden

- Applying Psychological Interventions for a more Sustainable Campus

- Green Team Survey on the Use of Reusable Containers

- Bringing Expertise into Green Campus Projects

- Sustainability Thinking Course Driving Behavioral Change on Energy