SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
HKUST strives to promote a peaceful and inclusive society, where institutions are effective, accountable, and inclusive at all levels. Through our curriculum, research, policy, governance, and stakeholder engagement, we seek to foster transparency and fairness, ensuring inclusivity and academic freedom for all members of society, and driving lasting change through community involvement.
28 related courses were offered in the 2022-23 academic year.
According to Science Direct, from 2019 to 2023, HKUST published 88 research papers addressing SDG 16.
About 28% of them are in the top 10% cite score and around 68% are internationally co-authored.
Research Highlight
HKUST has been actively researching topics to promote better peace, justice and strong institutions.
The publication "Inducing Supply Chain Transparency through Supplier Encroachment" examined how disclosing transparent information directly to the customers can benefit both the suppliers and retailers, therefore providing scientific evidence of the benefits of disclosing information to the public. Other publications like "Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019" and "Aggregation-induced emission (AIE)-active polymers for explosive detection" are also evidence of HKUST's effort in promoting peace, justice and strong institutions.
Research Hub
Through Nexus, a research hub on the topic of Belonging, HKUST brings together researchers, students, support NGOs, creative practitioners and others interested in key issues concerning social integration and identity of “belonging” in Hong Kong today. We do this through a series of events and seminars, such as “Navigating Belonging: Exploring settlement for South Asians in Hong Kong through narrative and participatory photography” that explores the theme of settlement and belonging for minorities in Hong Kong.

James SIMPSON, Associate Professor in the Division of Humanities at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, meets with NGOs, third sector organisations, students, academics, community activists.
Student Participation in Decision-Making
Students actively participate in the governance of the University through various means, from serving as a member of a university body to conveying suggestions to staff members formally or informally. One of the participation methods is through joining the Students’ Union which is an unincorporated association, formed by HKUST students who choose to register as its members and operates independently from the University.
Apart from joining the Student Union, student representatives hold seats on several University Committees, which play decision-making or advisory roles in the formulation of policies and management matters.
Early Detection and Therapeutic Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
The Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, with support from the InnoHK initiative brings together HKUST researchers with different parts of the world to conduct cutting-edge research in early detection and therapeutic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

February 2022: Dr. Denis Yip, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI, and Prof. Nancy Ip, Vice-President for Research and Development at HKUST, sign a MoU to collaborate on new R&D projects by leveraging patented technologies from both parties
Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company
We also established a collaboration with Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) since February 2022 to further enhance knowledge and technology transfer in advanced 5G applications, third-generation semiconductors, and the use of sensors for sorting waste.
The Data for Policy Conference
The Data for Policy Conference hosted by HKUST Division of Public Policy (PPOL) in December 2022 discussed the implications of data science and digital technology for public policy and governance. The conference brings together researchers, experts, and practitioners from around the world to explore opportunities and challenges in data-driven innovation and its governance.
Community Engagement
HKUST Connect
In collaboration with the Hong Kong Red Cross Humanitarian Education Center, a Simulation of a Warzone was conducted to raise awareness about the lack of human rights and inappropriate living conditions resulting from the mass destruction of cities and human suffering. Through this experiential activity, participants were able to understand the importance of strengthening the rule of law and access to justice, along with anti-corruption measures in government institutions, to maintain peace, avert national crises and avoiding political instability.

A debriefing session of the "Simulation of a Warzone" in progress.
Fostering an Informed Society
Our students are pushed to learn the critical thinking needed to distinguish the increasing amount of media play and fake news through talks hosted by industry professionals like Denise Tsang. By staying vigilant and critically evaluating the information they encounter, citizens can play a vital role in holding institutions accountable and promoting the rule of law, transparency, and access to justice at all levels. This is crucial for building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions, which protect the rights and freedom of the people.

Ms. Denise Tsang, Hong Kong News Editor of the South China Morning Post discusses news production, fact-checking challenges, and tips for navigating online misinformation effectively.
Linguistic Citizenship & Adult Migrant Education
Held by the Nexus Research Network, a research hub on the topic of “Belonging”, students joined a seminar that showcases language as the main barrier of living in Hong Kong for migrants and minorities in Hong Kong. HKUST brings together researchers, students, support NGOs, creative practitioners and others interested in key issues concerning social integration. This seminar sheds light on the lack of access to linguistic education places them in vulnerable situations, susceptible to exploitation, discrimination without the ability to navigate through the justice systems.
ICAC Student Ambassador
Through this initiative, ICAC student ambassadors from HKUST are empowered to spread positive values of anti-corruption and good governance, thereby fostering an environment of trust and responsible citizenship. By engaging young people early, we are encouraging participation and sense of responsibility in maintaining a sustainable, effective and transparent community.

ICAC ambassadors from HKUST promote integrity through engaging campus activities and events.
“From Diversity to Infinity” Festival
The University actively seeks to promote understanding and support for all community members with diverse backgrounds or limitations. Through a range of interactive workshops, The Diversity Infinity Festival gives students and staff a chance to go on a journey of self-exploration that strengthens their hands-on experience of how to show support to all members of our society.

The festival, titled "From Diversity to infinity" is founded on our unwavering belief in the inherent value and unique abilities of every individual.