New Semester, New Initiative: Meatless Option in Student App

Campus Services Office (CSO) and Information Systems Office (ISO) took the initiative last year in summer to update its “Meatless Option” menu, and it is finally on the HKUST Student app under the category of Easy Living.


Support of Students

Several students have long expressed a desire to have more vegetarian and vegan options on campus. Though green options are indeed limited on campus, they are improved every semester. And the view that HKUST has limited green options often stems from the lack of knowledge of green eateries on campus. HKUST Student App now provides information of a range of meatless options covering all the catering outlets on campus and it is updated regularly.

Majority of the students we interviewed supported this new initiative wholeheartedly. One of the students in her own words, was witnessed stating that “Though I am a meat eater, having this new initiative massively improves my friend’s plight. She often complained how hard was it to find vegetarian meals on campus being a vegetarian.” There were two other students who were vegetarians because of personal choice, expressed how they had to switch to a meat-based meal in order to maintain a balance nutritious diet. With a follow-up question of what they consider as an unbalanced diet, they stated missing protein is an example. They also emphasised on they would love to be vegetarians again if they get equivalently good options on campus as back home. Now with the all-in-one “Green Food – Meatless” feature under the “Easy Living” category, they now have more insights into the meatless options on campus, shifting their paradigm of HKUST having TT Veggies as the only meatless eatery to discovering the other catering outlets also offer different meatless options.

Benefits of the Meatless Options

Let’s not forget the numerous health benefits of choosing meatless options. Opting for a plant-based diet can aid in weight loss due to the typically lower caloric density of plant-based foods. Such a diet has also been associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as it often includes high-fiber and nutrient-dense foods that promote better blood sugar control. Consuming plant-based foods can as well as contribute to maintaining heart health by reducing the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol found in animal products.

Adopting a plant-based diet also has an impact at a massive level, improving our planet’s health. Plant-based diets require less agricultural space compared to animal agriculture, as plants are more efficient in converting resources into food. This can help reduce deforestation and preserve natural habitats. Reducing the consumption of animal products, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, plant-based diets can also help mitigate climate change and reduce the overall carbon footprint. Furthermore, plant-based diets require less irrigation water compared to animal agriculture, contributing to water conservation and sustainable resource management.

Change the way we eat

We encourage you to eat green and reduce the carbon footprints. By making conscious choices to incorporate more plant-based foods into our diets, we can enjoy the health benefits while simultaneously fostering a more sustainable future.

If you have something to say about the app feature, please feel free to share it with us at

For more details about the meatless student option, you may check out the link at

HKUST meatless option in student app:

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