HKUST shared a habit-informed approach for fume hood energy reduction at ISCN Annual Conference

Lausanne, Switzerland - June 25, 2024

The 17th annual conference of the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) recently concluded in Lausanne, Switzerland. Renowned for its interactive and engaging format, the ISCN conference focused on various sustainability topics, including governance, education, health, environment, and the utilization of campuses as living labs. Representatives from universities worldwide gathered to exchange knowledge, share their challenges, and discuss best practices in pursuit of sustainable solutions.

As a research-focused institution, HKUST recognizes the pivotal role laboratories play in our energy consumption profile and actively looks for innovative solutions. At the conference, Ms. Le Tiec shed light on the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)'s approach to carbon reduction within laboratory settings using a carbon footprint calculator. By evaluating energy usage, equipment and consumables procurement, and professional travel, the project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of their carbon impact and pinpoint tailored interventions for mitigation.

Representing HKUST at the conference was Mr. Marcus Leung-Shea, Acting Director of the Sustainability/Net-Zero Office, who also introduced an innovative pilot engagement campaign targeting energy savings and safety in research labs. The campaign employed a data and habits-informed approach, utilizing a low-cost, user-friendly real-time database to monitor and track the height of fume hood sashes.

By reinforcing habits and establishing cues rather than relying on warnings, the campaign aims to empower lab users to develop better habits and actively engage in sustainable practices. Supported by visual cues, such as personalized charts displaying sash height trends, and interpersonal cues, including brief conversations with lab users, we leveraged the interconnected nature of habits through small repeated actions, reinforcing desired behaviors. 

The six-month pilot campaign yielded substantial results, achieving an impressive 40% improvement in fume hood sash height compliance. This translated into significant energy savings of over 17,000 kWh and a reduction of 80 tons of CO2 emissions annually from just ten fume hoods during the pilot phase.

HKUST's active participation in the ISCN conference showcased the institution's strong commitment to sustainability and its dedication to sharing innovative solutions with the global higher education community. As the conference concluded, the knowledge and experiences gained from the event will undoubtedly inspire further advancements and collaborations in achieving sustainable commitment worldwide.


About ISCN

The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) provides a global platform for higher education institutions to exchange information, ideas, and best practices in sustainable campus operations, research, and teaching. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, ISCN supports institutions in their efforts to create environmentally responsible and socially equitable campuses.

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