Net-Zero online Training module

The Net-Zero Online Training Module aims to provide valuable insights into our Net-Zero Action Plan and its implications for building contractors and consultants who will be working with us. By participating in this training, you will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of life cycle thinking and how it relates to your work, fostering a shared approach and enabling us to work together seamlessly. 




  • To provide contractors with a clear understanding on our expectations for new building projects under the HKUST Net-Zero Action Plan and its significance in achieving sustainable campus development. 
  • To equip contractors with the knowledge and tools necessary to integrate sustainable practices into their projects. 


Target audience


  • Building contractors and consultants who are awarded contracts with HKUST 

  • Anyone who is interested in learning how we use life cycle thinking to make sustainable decisions at HKUST 


Module 1: HKUST Net-Zero Action Plan 


#0: Introduction to the Module 

In this introduction video, we provide an overview of the module and its objectives, setting the stage for the subsequent sections that delve into the details of our Net-Zero Action Plan. 


#1: Overview of our Net-Zero Action Plan 

In this video, we provide a comprehensive overview of our Net-Zero Action Plan, highlighting its strategic elements and the importance of designing and operating buildings as net-zero carbon structures.


#2: Net-Zero Carbon Building 

In this video, we explore the concept of net-zero carbon buildings and outline two main strategies for decarbonizing buildings​.


#3: Embodied Carbon in New Buildings 

In this video, we focus on the reduction of embodied carbon in new buildings and highlight the measures we expect contractors to adopt to achieve this goal. 


#4: Operational Carbon in New Buildings 

In this video, we delve into the management of operational carbon emissions in new buildings, outlining the strategies and technologies that can be incorporated to minimize the carbon footprint during the building's operational phase. 


#5: Using Life Cycle Cost Accounting in New Building Design Process 

In this video, we introduce the concept of life cycle cost accounting and its significance in the new building design process, emphasizing the importance of considering the long-term costs associated with projects, enabling contractors to make informed decisions that balance sustainability and financial viability. 


Module 2: Spreadsheets and calculators for sustainable building design  


Operational and Embodied Carbon Calculator

To ensure that all new buildings on the HKUST campus are carbon net zero throughout their lifespan, this Action Plan includes 3 action items:

  1. Offset all embodied carbon from the design and construction process
  2. Offset all operational carbon emissions from the operations of the new buildings
  3. Implement cost recovery measures to ensure that carbon offset costs are fully funded through revenue from building-integrated renewables, or through service fees for the building occupants.

Refer to Section 2.2 and 4.3.1 of the HKUST Net-Zero Building Standards for further details.


Click here to download our New Building Carbon Calculator template.

Reference Calculation Templates: New Building Carbon Calculators

  • New Building Carbon Offset Calculator: This spreadsheet is used to work out the overall carbon offset cost (embodied and operational carbon) for new buildings.
  • Net Operational Carbon Offsets Required After Feed-In Tariff Calculator: This spreadsheet is used to work out the net carbon offsets required after feed-in-tariffs revenue during operation stage.


Life Cycle Cost Calculator

To achieve the best value for money from a net-zero aligned perspective and recognizing the vital importance of procurement in influencing key purchasing decisions, HKUST has adopted a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) approach to evaluating costs and benefits over time. This means:

  • All energy-consuming and water-consuming purchases and investments must use Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) to ensure all associated costs of ownership, operation, and end-of-life costs are included in cost-benefit analyses.


Click here to download our Life Cycle Cost Calculator template.

Reference Calculation Templates: HKUST Life Cycle Cost Calculator

  • Net Present Value Calculator: This spreadsheet is used to calculate the present value of future cash flows.
  • Life Cycle Cost Calculator: Energy Consuming Systems: This spreadsheet is used to calculate the total cost of a technology / system over its entire life cycle.
  • Life Cycle Cost Calculator: PV: This spreadsheet is used to calculate the total cost of solar panel installation over its entire life cycle.